22 Jul 2011

Gay 'barbarians' descend on Marcus and Michele Bachmann's clinic, demand discipline


A horde of glitter-wielding gay "barbarians" on Thursday paid a visit to a clinic owned by GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and her husband, Marcus.   The colourfully dressed group had scheduled an appointment at Bachmann & Associates and were demanding to be disciplined.

The barbarians appeared to be taking Marcus up on his belief that gays and lesbians are in need of "discipline"to remedy their "sinful nature," a philosophy he espoused over a year ago on a Christian radio show.

"We have to understand: Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined," Marcus said on the "Point of View" radio talk show on May 12, 2010. "Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That’s what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps."

Bachmann & Associates recently denied using a technique of "praying away the gay" with gay people in order to make them straight, but undercover video appeared to show that the clinic believes that prayer can alter people's sexual orientation.

Once the horde was notified that Marcus, a strategist for his wife's presidential campaign, was not at the clinic, their leader told the group, "All right, folks, Marcus isn't coming out so we're gonna have to act like barbarians."

  With that, the smiling group of about 10 showered the waiting room with glitter while chanting, "You can't pray away the gay, baby I was born this way."

LGBT activist Nick Espinosa took responsibility for the actions via Twitter, Facebook and a statement that was posted online.

“Michele and Marcus Bachmann think gay people are barbarians? I think its clear to everyone who the real barbarians are, based on the Bachmanns’ archaic views on LGBT equality,” Espinosa, who was behind other glittery protests, said in the statement.

Earlier this month, Michele Bachmann signed an anti-gay-marriage pact that also suggested black children were better off during slavery than they are today.

Gay 'barbarians' descend on Marcus and Michele Bachmann's clinic, demand discipline [Video] - latimes.com

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