27 Jul 2011

Ravi wants case dismissed


In a rather surprising and alarming move,  the former Rutgers University student who stands accused of spying on his roommate’s sexual encounter with another man – filming it and broadcasting it on the internet. Has said he wants his case dismissed because evidence of the teenager’s state of mind before he committed suicide wasn’t presented to the grand jury that indicted him.

Lawyers for former Rutgers University student Dharun Ravi argued Monday that prosecutors withheld evidence showing Ravi never bullied roommate Tyler Clementi, who jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge days after his same-sex encounter was furtively captured on a webcam and transmitted through the Web.

Defense attorney Steven Altman asked prosecutors to turn over evidence that they said could clear Ravi, 19, of the hate crime accusations, and will ask a New Jersey court to dismiss the charges, according to the Star-Ledger. The newspaper reported that Altman is asking the prosecution for documents from Clementi’s computer and dorm room that could shed light on his state of mind around the time of his suicide.

Altman and Philip Nettl, Ravi’s other attorney, didn’t respond to inquiries by telephone and email Monday from The Associated Press.

Ravi was indicted on 15 counts in April for events that took place in September 2010, when prosecutors say he learned Clementi, 18, and another man would be using the room. Prosecutors said he used a webcam to spy on them and invited others on Twitter to watch their sexual encounter. Clementi’s suicide soon after sparked a national discussion about bullying and gay youth that prompted celebrities, senators and President Barack Obama to speak out.


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