29 Apr 2010

A week under a cloud of ash!

Finally the UK is just about getting back to normal after the 6 days of being a 'no-fly' zone, along with pretty much most of central Europe, and let me tell you, it's been no picnic! For those involved in the travel industry it's been a fraught and frantic time, trying to rescue stranded people from all over Europe, America and indeed the rest of the world.

I've heard of epic tales, of super trails of endurance to get home, back to the UK that really boggles the mind. For example the tale of the business leader stuck in Philly, who, not to put much of a spin on it, didn't want to be stuck in the city of brotherly love any more. After much searching, much arguments and many moans, he finally agreed on the option of flying down to Florida, then over to Bogota, Columbia. Having half a night and day in the airport before recommencing a flight all the way over to Madrid, which was still open, then after that another long wait before jumping aboard a flight to Nice on the southern French coast. From there he hired a car and drove all the way up the country to Calais, where he boarded a cross channel ferry boat, to bring him back to England. Once back on English soil, a train ride completed his journey to London town!

Or there is the case of one of the UK's Royal Navy warships being dispatched to a Spanish port to collect 300 soldiers stranded after a tour of Afghanistan and picking up another 300 civilians stuck due to the grounding of flights. Or a fleet of motor coaches sent to pick up stranded school children on a trip to Italy.

It's at times like these that forces you to realize just home much the small Island nation of the UK relies on air transportation. Not just for getting people to and from our green and somewhat pleasant land, but also all the goods and products that get flown in on a daily basis. The flowers from Amsterdam, the fruit from Africa, not to mention the post and packages and mail. There's a backlog of all kinds of food stuff and perishable products, kiwi fruit was even rationed in the local supermarkets! We were about to run out of oranges, grape supplies were beginning to become strained. Oh the pitfalls of being an island nation.

However, looking on the bright side, at least it's kept the UK's forthcoming election off the front pages! Well for a few days anyway! But here's a little recap, David Cameron got hit with an egg, thrown by a 16 year old student, however the Conservative leader saw the yoke!   Although,  the Times Newspaper would have you believe that Cameron is a bit of a metrosexual,  or indeed as they put it 'A straight Queen'  I can't seem it myself some how!   Yet,  lowering the age of consent for gay men back in 2000 to be the same as our hettie counterparts made one MP remark it would an HIV risk!   Then,  today as the party and the country get ready for the second of three TV debates,  one of his party members gets arrested for assault 

The Bishops of Scotland have urged church goers to support candidates that oppose gay adoption and gay marriage, embryo research, abortion and assisted suicide. The bishops issued a statement to all 500 Catholic parishes in Scotland suggesting worshippers press their local candidates to answer a questionnaire on these issues. Catholics will be asked to consider "which candidate will best respect and protect your religious freedom and your freedom of conscience?" Obviously  not one that supports equality or gay rights!

Some are saying Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem leader is the UK's version of President Obama,  I can't quite see it myself,  for example,  one of them is making real change,  the other only talking of it!  But,  he's getting more and more popular in the polls,  mainly I think thanks to the live TV debates.   This is the first election where we've had such things,  and previously the Liberal Democrats have struggled to get much publicity.  Thus,  British politics has pretty much always been seen as two horse race, Conservatives 'v' Labour.  Now though, thanks largely to Clegg's performance on TV it's opened the running far more,  we now have three viable options,   three choices!

The Labour party this week published their 'gay' manifesto,  signalling their continuing support of equality, gay marriage and rights. "Labour will use Britain’s unique strength in the world and of our international alliances to fight for our values, to challenge homophobia, promote equality and ensure other governments deliver LGBT equality. Under Labour the UK will continue to be a beacon of hope for LGBT people."    So said David Miliband.

Most political commentators still believe it's too close to call,   hedging their bets and remaining  on the fence.  British politics has never been so much fun!

Jason Shaw
GayAgenda.com's UK Correspondent.

Jason's own blog,  www.seafrontdiary.com   tales of life from under the cover of the ash cloud and his love of cheesecake continues on a daily basis.  

© 2010 Copyright Jason Shaw

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